Rabbit, Wave & Full Moon by Kano Tsunenobu, Wikicommons
And Through The Open Window
Silence is absence
And a mirrored complexion
Wide-eyed, unbolted
Water thick as stone
Like the space between spaces
Tawny and waning
A mainstream margin
Like a modern catchpenny
And then we all go
Heady and fervent
Renegade extrication
A color quandary
The next installment:
An elegy behind the break
Charging like light speed
Conjecture played out
As sure as echoes return
Replicate timbre
Timothy Russow Jr. was born in Minnesota. He graduated high school, joined the Air Force, and graduated from Boise State University in 2013 with a B.A. in English. Some of Russow’s poetry was published in the Boise State University English Department’s online newsletter Wit’s End, The Cabin Literary Center’s “Writers in the Attic: Nerve” 2014 book release and in the online journal Military Experience and the Arts: Blue Streak, A Journal of Military Poetry, Vol. 2, and As You Were, Vol. 10.
lake’s edge
a blue heron emerges
from rattling reeds
bird watchers
the way one voice
drowns others out
home school…
a hovering hummingbird
makes corrections
sounding its way
across the moon
a lone seagull
Richard L. Matta, a 2023 Pushcart Prize and Touchstone-nominated poet, resides in San Diego, California. His haiku appear in many international journals including Modern Haiku, Acorn, and Heron’s Nest.
more haiku coming soon…