Insist vacancy
This house is filled to the brink
Muted requiem
Dig me out from roots
Turn the dirt hard and flattened
A hidden descent
What say you really?
This is my troika of thought:
Midsummer lingers
A deep cold river
And shiver truly, awkward
Featheredge tincture
Rain like fire in streets
Blackened concrete and metal
A well-trampled course
Tackle and burlesque
Like a chemical breakthrough
Tenant of eons
Tim Russow earned a B.A. in English from Boise State University. His poetry is published in the BSU English Department’s newsletter Wit’s End, The Cabin Literary Center’s WITA: Nerve, Military Experience and the Arts, and Narrative Northeast.
Ramadan sunset
the empty dinner table
before moon’s arrival
moonlit dates
sharing the first tastes
of Ramadan
Ramadan moon
the good olive oil
waxes the pan
Kyiv streets—
a cold March
fills the void
armed resistance
laying the seeds . . .
future blooms
telling the children
everyone’s gone
on holiday
cocktail party:
a universal fight
for your human rights
Katherine Shehadeh is a poet, artist & attorney, who resides with her family in Miami, Florida. Her tiniest poems have appeared in Failed Haiku, Ribbons, Haikuniverse and World Haiku Review. She can be found on Instagram @katherinesarts or on the www at katherinesarts.com.